As the coronavirus pandemic forges on, businesses around the globe are closing their doors, almost everyone is working remotely and the fear of a recession is progressively looming threat in coming days. The ambush of Chinese Virus (COVID-19) news can be quite intimidating and stressful – both from a personal and professional standpoint. For businesses to succeed at this time, it is more imperative than ever to lay emphasis on    employee well-being and help employees navigate the psychological upheaval they may experience and go through in coming days.

 Workplace has significantly changed, but what keeps employees motivated and what employers and leaders can do remains the same. As employees fine-tune to how, when and where they work, it’s a great prospect for employers to do a better job at what they already know is essential.

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Our interaction with industry over the years tells us that highly engaged organisations are more likely to effectively communicate, listen to employees, giving feedback to employees regularly and have managers and leaders who have a robust kinship with their teams.

Based on our employee engagement with industry over a decade now here are few suggestions, on how you can engender the best employee experiences possible in this difficult situation.

Feeling of Belonging

Our interaction with companies threw light on how they have COVID-19 task forces and a group that’s focused on employee communication. The more information shared with the employees they were able to cope the spurt of changes and in return employers being warm-hearted in these hard pressing times. Organisations must not pretend the know it all and should ask employees for suggestions, which would underpin commitment to them and you might get brilliant ideas you hadn’t considered so far.

Appreciation and Rewards

Recognizing the hard work of your employees is vital for driving employee engagement. However, to convey that appreciation under the current circumstances the best option to you is have Cloud-Based employee rewards and recognition system which ensures that it won’t be missed irrespective of where the people are working for you.

Be adaptive and Flexible

Sometimes employees might also have to engage in the household chores and one must be considerate towards that situation especially with working parents. Letting your employees be flexible to focus on their personal works is not a bad idea whereby, it will help them to resume work with a free mind. Appropriate measures taken to ensure flexibility for employee motivation will further strengthen their commitment towards work and respect the organization goals. It’s also important that you give them authority to make decisions which sends out a message that you trust them when it matters. Structure more virtual environments to keep team meetings flowing and communication open.

Invest in Development

 It’s important to accept that there are things you can control and other things you can’t. So if your organisation is affected undesirably / performing badly as a result of the pandemic, how can you encourage positivity? Now is the time to invest in professional and business development. Opportunities provided will remind your employees that there is future for them and there company. This would renew passion and confidence in such demanding times. Same is true for the business to prosper .Open discussions with staff, taking collective ideas and acknowledging and working towards solutions will drive the business development.

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There is global widespread fear and one must not be imaginary that this doesn’t exist or that your business environments are the same. Setting achievable realistic goals are strategic to your business over the next few months. Define the delivery and have policies in place which enables the employees to work as flexibly as possible. Wuhan Virus is going to be around for some time yet and the lagging effects on the economy will be felt for months to come. Connect with us to know more:

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