Importance Of Having A Fine CV

A recruiter takes an average of SIX SECONDS to decide whether a candidate moves up the ladders or not. If you are a candidate applying for that role, how long do you think you should spend on your CV to ensure that it gets picked up in six seconds?

A CV makes an equal playing field for the pool of candidates applying for the same job. To an employer, it is just sheets of paper until something striking stands out in one. It is a universally accepted truth that you never get a second chance to make a first impression. So, how do you ensure that your CV creates an impression that lasts long enough to get the interview call? 

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Make it Personal

The word CV or Curriculum Vitae that is Latin for ‘course of life’, is an overview of the work that YOU have done in life. Several guides tell you the things to include or exclude from your CV and even give you templates that you can replicate to make your own, but the crucial takeaway here is to make it personal. Let the recruiter see you through the sheet of paper and not just nice words on a fancy template. 

Showcase Potential Through Experience

It is a great thing to have many years of experience, but a recruiter need not know all of the responsibilities you held in your old job. Showcase the skills that the experiences taught you, so they understand what more you can do. They need to see what you are capable of rather than what you have done before. 

Formatting and Presentation Matters

The earliest known resume was made 500 years ago by Leonardo Da Vinci, and hence, the standards for a presentable CV have been set high. Formatting and presenting a CV has to be industry-specific. An artistic employer would reject a plain-looking CV right away, precisely how a highly corporate employer would reject a colorful one. If you are unsure of what would suit you best, stick to standard formatting with a simple font and basic colors.

Have it Professionally Made

Having your CV made professionally is not just a simpler solution to all your problems, but a smart one, too. Getting a professional to do your CV is better merely because (a) Yours would not be the first for them, and (b) They have a deeper understanding of recruiter mannerisms and know what clicks and what will not.

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At Shelby Management Solutions, we provide a range of profile building services to help candidates secure their dream jobs. As a recruitment agency with nine years of experience, we have been connecting candidates and organizations like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. If you are on the lookout for the other half of your own puzzle – reach out to us here!

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